import asyncio
import concurrent
import requests
import inspect
import random
import time
import json
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from ..data_processing.etl import function_map
from .signalr_aio._connection import Connection
from ..utils.logger import logger
from ..utils.constants import (
from ..utils.exceptions import (
class RealF1Client:
A client for managing real-time Formula 1 data streaming.
topics : list
List of topics to subscribe to for receiving live data.
headers : dict
HTTP headers used for the connection.
_connection_url : str
URL for the SignalR connection.
_log_file_name : str
Path to the log file.
_log_file_mode : str
Mode for opening the log file.
_test : bool
Indicates if the client is in test mode.
_log_file : file object
Log file object for writing messages (used in test mode).
_handlers : dict
Mapping of methods to their respective handlers.
topics : str or list
Topic(s) to subscribe to for live updates.
log_file_name : str, optional
Name of the log file (default is None).
log_file_mode : str, optional
Mode for opening the log file (default is "w").
def __init__(
log_file_name = None,
log_file_mode = "w",
self._connection_url = urljoin(BASE_URL, SIGNALR_ENDPOINT)
self.headers = {
'User-agent': 'BestHTTP',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, identity',
'Connection': 'keep-alive, Upgrade'}
if isinstance(topics, str): self.topics = [topics]
elif isinstance(topics, list): self.topics = topics
else: raise ArgumentError("You need to give list of topics you want to subscribe")
self._log_file_name = log_file_name
self._log_file_mode = log_file_mode
self._handlers = {}
if self._log_file_name:
self._log_file = open(self._log_file_name, self._log_file_mode)
@self.callback("default logger")
async def print_callback(
for record in records:
await self._file_logger(record)
def _create_session(self):
Create an HTTP session with the required headers.
A configured HTTP session.
session = requests.Session()
session.headers = self.headers
return session
async def _on_message(self, msg):
Handle incoming messages asynchronously.
msg : dict
The incoming message to process.
self._t_last_message = time.time()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
await loop.run_in_executor(
pool, print, str(msg)
except Exception as e:
raise RealF1Error(e)
async def _file_logger(self, msg):
Log incoming messages to a file.
msg : dict
The incoming message to log.
if msg != {} and msg:
self._log_file.write(str(msg) + '\n')
def on_message(self, method, handler):
Register a handler for a specific method.
method : str
The method to handle.
handler : callable
The function to handle the method.
if method not in self._handlers:
func = MessageHandlerTemplate(handler).get
self._handlers[method] = func
def callback(self, method):
Decorator to register a callback function for a specific method.
This decorator allows you to associate a callback function with a particular
method. The function being registered must have arguments matching the
required parameters defined in `REALTIME_CALLBACK_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS`.
If the provided callback function does not have the required arguments.
- The `REALTIME_CALLBACK_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS` is a predefined list of parameter
names that the callback function must include.
- Once the function is successfully registered, it will handle messages for the
specified method.
Registering a callback for a method:
.. code-block:: python
from livef1.adapters.realtime_client import RealF1Client
client = RealF1Client(
topics = ["CarData.z", "SessionInfo"],
@client.callback("new one")
async def print_callback(records): # records argument have to be set
print(records) # or you can do whatever you want with incoming data
def inner(func):
# Check if the provided function has the required arguments
has_args = set(REALTIME_CALLBACK_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS) == set(inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys())
args_diff = set(REALTIME_CALLBACK_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS).difference(set(inspect.signature(func).parameters.keys()))
if not has_args:
raise ArgumentError(f"The provided callback function does not have following required arguments. {args_diff}")
# Register the function as a handler for the given method
logger.debug(f"Custom callback method with '{method}' has successfully inserted.")
return func
return inner
def run(self):
Start the client in asynchronous mode.
def _async_engine_run(self):
Execute the asynchronous engine.
except KeyboardInterrupt:"Keyboard interrupt - exiting...")
async def _async_run(self):
Run the client asynchronously.
""""Starting LiveF1 live timing client")
await asyncio.gather(
async def _forever_check(self):
Keep the client running indefinitely.
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
def _sync_engine_run(self):
def _sync_engine(self):
async def _run(self):
Set up the SignalR connection and register handlers.
# Create connection
self._connection = Connection(self._connection_url, session=self._create_session())
# Register hub
hub = self._connection.register_hub('Streaming')
# Set default message handler
for method, handler in self._handlers.items():
hub.client.on(method, handler)
# Subscribe topics in interest
hub.server.invoke("Subscribe", self.topics)
# Start the client
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, self._connection.start)
class MessageHandlerTemplate:
A template for handling incoming SignalR messages.
This class serves as a message handler for SignalR streams, where incoming
messages are processed and passed to a user-defined function.
func : callable
A user-defined asynchronous function that processes the parsed records
from incoming SignalR messages. The function must accept the processed
records as its input.
def __init__(
self._func = func
async def get(self, msg):
Process incoming messages and invoke the handler function.
The method handles two types of incoming message formats:
- Messages in the "R" key: Representing topics with associated data.
- Messages in the "M" key: Representing method calls with data payloads.
For each message, the method uses a `function_map` to parse the data and
sends the resulting records to the user-defined handler function.
msg : dict
The incoming message in SignalR format. It is expected to contain either:
- "R": A dictionary where the keys represent topic names and the values
are the associated data for that topic.
- "M": A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains:
- "M": The method name.
- "A": A list of message components including topic name, data, and timestamp.
batch = msg
if ("R" in batch.keys()) or (batch.get("M") and batch.get("M") != []):
if batch.get("R"):
for key in batch.get("R").keys():
topic_name = key
data = batch.get("R")[key]
timestamp = None
records = list(function_map[topic_name]({timestamp: data}, None))
await self._func(records)
# await self._func(
# topic_name = key,
# data = batch.get("R")[key],
# timestamp = None)
except Exception as e:
raise ParsingError(e)
elif batch.get("M"):
for data in batch.get("M"):
method = data["M"]
message = data["A"]
topic_name = message[0]
data = message[1]
timestamp = message[2]
records = list(function_map[topic_name]({timestamp: data}, None))
await self._func(records)
# await self._func(
# topic_name = message[0],
# data = message[1],
# timestamp = message[2])