Source code for livef1.models.meeting

# Standard Library Imports
import dateutil
import sys
import json

# Third-Party Library Imports
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Dict

# Internal Project Imports
from ..adapters import download_data
from ..models.session import Session
from ..utils.helper import json_parser_for_objects, build_session_endpoint
from ..utils.constants import SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP

[docs] class Meeting: """ Represents a meeting in a specific season with relevant details and associated sessions. Attributes ---------- season : :class:`~Season` The season this meeting belongs to. year : :class:`int` The year of the meeting. code : :class:`int` The unique code for the meeting. key : :class:`str` The unique identifier for the meeting. number : :class:`int` The sequential number of the meeting in the season. location : :class:`str` The location (e.g., circuit name) of the meeting. officialname : :class:`str` The official name of the meeting. name : :class:`str` The name of the meeting. country : :class:`dict` Details about the country where the meeting takes place (e.g., key, code, name). circuit : :class:`dict` Details about the circuit where the meeting takes place (e.g., key, short name). sessions : :class:`list` List of session objects associated with the meeting. loaded : :class:`bool` Indicates whether the meeting data has been loaded. """ def __init__( self, season: "Season" = None, year: int = None, code: int = None, key: str = None, number: int = None, location: str = None, officialname: str = None, name: str = None, country: Dict = None, circuit: Dict = None, sessions: List = None, loaded: bool = False, **kwargs # In case new information comes from the API in future ): self.season = season self.loaded = loaded # Iterate over the kwargs and set them as attributes of the instance for key, value in locals().items(): if value: setattr(self, key.lower(), value) if hasattr(self, "sessions"): self.sessions_json = self.sessions self.sessions = [] self.set_sessions() self.parse_sessions()
[docs] def load(self, force=False): """ Load or reload meeting data from the API. .. note:: Reloading is useful when updated data is required. Parameters ---------- force : bool, optional If True, forces the reload of meeting data even if already loaded. Defaults to False. """ if (not self.loaded) | (force): if force: print("Force load...") if hasattr(self, "year"): self.json_data = download_data(self.year, self.location) elif hasattr(self, "season"): self.json_data = download_data(self.season.year, self.location) for key, value in json_parser_for_objects(self.json_data).items(): setattr(self, key.lower(), value) self.sessions_json = self.sessions self.sessions = [] self.parse_sessions() self.set_sessions() else: print("The meeting has already been loaded. If you want to load anyway, use `force=True`.")
[docs] def set_sessions(self): """ Create session objects for the meeting using the session JSON data. .. note:: This method populates the `sessions` attribute with `Session` objects derived from `sessions_json`. """ for session_data in self.sessions_json: self.sessions.append( Session( season=self.season, meeting=self, **json_parser_for_objects(session_data) ) )
[docs] def parse_sessions(self): """ Parse session data to generate a detailed DataFrame of session metadata. .. note:: The resulting DataFrame is stored in the `sessions_table` attribute and indexed by season year, meeting location, and session type. """ session_all_data = [] for session in self.sessions_json: session_data = { "season_year": dateutil.parser.parse(session["StartDate"]).year, "meeting_code": self.code, "meeting_key": self.key, "meeting_number": self.number, "meeting_location": self.location, "meeting_offname": self.officialname, "meeting_name":, "meeting_country_key":["Key"], "meeting_country_code":["Code"], "meeting_country_name":["Name"], "meeting_circuit_key": self.circuit["Key"], "meeting_circuit_shortname": self.circuit["ShortName"], "session_key": session.get("Key", None), "session_type": session["Type"] + " " + str(session["Number"]) if "Number" in session else session["Type"], "session_name": session.get("Name", None), "session_startDate": session.get("StartDate", None), "session_endDate": session.get("EndDate", None), "gmtoffset": session.get("GmtOffset", None), "path": session.get("Path", None), } session_all_data.append(session_data) self.meeting_table = pd.DataFrame(session_all_data).set_index(["season_year", "meeting_location", "session_type"]) self.meeting_table["session_startDate"] = pd.to_datetime(self.meeting_table["session_startDate"]) self.meeting_table["session_endDate"] = pd.to_datetime(self.meeting_table["session_endDate"]) self.sessions_table = self.meeting_table[["meeting_key","session_key","session_name","session_startDate","session_endDate","gmtoffset","path"]].set_index("session_key")
# self.meeting_table = self.meeting_table.reset_index().rename(columns = SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP) # self.meeting_table = def __repr__(self): """ Return a detailed string representation of the meeting. Returns ------- str The string representation of the meeting's session table. """ if "IPython" not in sys.modules: # definitely not in IPython return self.meeting_table.__str__() # Print the meetings table. else: display(self.meeting_table) # Display the meetings table. return "" def __str__(self): """ Return a readable string representation of the meeting. Returns ------- str The string representation of the meeting's session table. """ return self.meeting_table.__str__()