# Standard Library Imports
import base64
import collections
import datetime
import json
import zlib
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from typing import List, Dict, Union
from jellyfish import jaro_similarity, jaro_winkler_similarity
import re
from string import punctuation
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Internal Project Imports
from .constants import *
from .logger import logger
from .exceptions import LiveF1Error
from ..adapters import LivetimingF1adapters
def build_session_endpoint(session_path):
Constructs a full endpoint URL for accessing session data.
session_path : str
The path for the specific session data.
The complete URL for the session endpoint.
return urljoin(urljoin(BASE_URL, STATIC_ENDPOINT), session_path)
def json_parser_for_objects(data: Dict) -> Dict:
Converts the keys of a dictionary to lowercase.
data : Dict
The original dictionary with keys.
A new dictionary with all keys converted to lowercase.
return {key.lower(): value for key, value in data.items()}
def get_data(path, stream):
Fetches data from a specified endpoint.
path : str
The endpoint to retrieve data from.
stream : bool
Indicates whether to return a stream of records or a single response.
Union[dict, str]
A dictionary of records if `stream` is True, else a string response.
adapters = LivetimingF1adapters()
endpoint = path
res_text = adapters.get(endpoint=endpoint)
if stream:
records = res_text.split('\r\n')[:-1] # Split response into lines, ignoring the last empty line.
tl = 12 # Length of the key in the response.
return dict((r[:tl], r[tl:]) for r in records)
return res_text # Return the full response text if not streaming.
def get_car_data_stream(path):
Fetches car data from a specified endpoint and returns it as a dictionary.
path : str
The endpoint to retrieve car data from.
A dictionary where keys are the first 12 characters of each record and values are the remaining data.
adapters = LivetimingF1adapters()
endpoint = path
res_text = adapters.get(endpoint=endpoint)
records = res_text.split('\r\n')[:-1] # Split response into lines, ignoring the last empty line.
tl = 12 # Length of the key in the response.
return dict((r[:tl], r[12:]) for r in records)
def parse(text: str, zipped: bool = False) -> Union[str, dict]:
Parses a given text input and decompresses it if necessary.
text : str
The input text to be parsed.
zipped : bool, optional
Indicates if the input is a zipped string, by default False.
Union[str, dict]
The parsed output as a dictionary if input is JSON, otherwise as a string.
if text[0] == '{': # Check if the text is in JSON format.
return json.loads(text) # Return parsed JSON as a dictionary.
if text[0] == '"': # Check if the text is a quoted string.
text = text.strip('"') # Remove surrounding quotes.
if zipped:
# Decompress the zipped base64 string and parse it.
text = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(text), -zlib.MAX_WBITS)
return parse(text.decode('utf-8-sig'))
return text # Return the text as is if it's not zipped.
def parse_hash(hash_code):
Parses a hashed string and decompresses it.
hash_code : str
The hash string to be parsed.
The decompressed and parsed data as a dictionary.
tl = 12 # Length of the key in the response.
return parse(hash_code, zipped=True)
def parse_helper_for_nested_dict(info, record, prefix=""):
Recursively parses a nested dictionary and flattens it into a single-level dictionary.
info : dict
The nested dictionary to parse.
record : dict
The record to which parsed information will be added.
prefix : str, optional
A prefix for keys in the flattened dictionary, by default "".
The updated record with flattened keys from the nested dictionary.
for info_k, info_v in info.items():
if isinstance(info_v, list):
# Flatten list entries into the record with incremental suffixes.
record = {**record, **{**{info_k + "_" + str(sector_no + 1) + "_" + k: v
for sector_no in range(len(info_v))
for k, v in info_v[sector_no].items()}}}
elif isinstance(info_v, dict):
# Recursively parse nested dictionaries.
record = parse_helper_for_nested_dict(info_v, record, prefix=prefix + info_k + "_")
record = {**record, **{prefix + info_k: info_v}} # Add scalar values to the record.
return record
def identifer_text_format(text):
Formats text for comparison by splitting into words and removing stopwords.
text : str
The input text to format.
A list of words from the input text with stopwords removed.
querywords = re.split(rf'[\s{punctuation}]+', text.casefold())
return [word for word in querywords if word not in QUERY_STOPWORDS]
def find_most_similar_vectorized(df, target):
Find the most similar string in a Pandas DataFrame using Jaccard and Jaro-Winkler similarity.
df : pd.DataFrame
The DataFrame to search in.
target : str
The string to search for.
A dictionary containing:
- "isFound" (int): 1 if a match is found, 0 otherwise.
- "how" (str): The method used for matching ("jaccard" or "jaro").
- "value" (str): The most similar value found.
- "similarity" (float): The similarity score of the match.
- "row" (int): The row index of the match.
- "column" (str): The column name of the match.
If no match is found and suggestions are provided.
def jaccard_similarity(cell):
Calculates the Jaccard similarity between two sets of words.
cell : str
The text to compare against the target.
The Jaccard similarity score.
intersection_cardinality = len(
union_cardinality = len(
return intersection_cardinality/float(union_cardinality)
def jarow_similarity(cell):
Calculates the Jaro-Winkler similarity between two strings.
cell : str
The text to compare against the target.
The Jaro-Winkler similarity score.
return jaro_winkler_similarity(
" ".join(identifer_text_format(target)),
" ".join(identifer_text_format(cell))
def argmax_n(arr: np.array, n: int, axis=None):
Finds the indices of the top-n maximum values in an array.
arr : np.array
The array to search in.
n : int
The number of maximum values to find.
axis : int, optional
The axis to search along, by default None.
A list of indices corresponding to the top-n maximum values.
argmaxes = []
for _ in range(n):
row, col = divmod(arr.argmax(), arr.shape[1])
# arr = np.delete(arr, row, axis=0)
arr[row,:] = 0
# print(row, col)
return argmaxes
logger.debug(f"Searching of identifier '{target}' has started.")
similarity_df = df.map(jaccard_similarity)
jaccard_score = similarity_df.max().max()
row, col = divmod(similarity_df.values.argmax(), similarity_df.shape[1])
most_similar = df.iloc[row, col]
if jaccard_score:
# found_info = "\n".join([f"{SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP[col]} : {df.reset_index().loc[row, col]}" for col in df.reset_index(drop=True).columns])
# logger.info(f"Found at column '{(SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP[df.columns[col]]).upper()}' as '{most_similar}'.")
# logger.info(f"""Selected meeting/session is:\n{found_info}""")
return {
"isFound": 1,
"how" : "jaccard",
"value": most_similar,
"similarity": jaccard_score,
"row": df.iloc[row].name,
"column": df.columns[col]
logger.info("The identifier couldn't be found.")
jaro_df = df.map(jarow_similarity)
jaro_score = jaro_df.max().max()
if jaro_score >= 0.9:
row, col = divmod(jaro_df.values.argmax(), jaro_df.shape[1])
most_similar = df.iloc[row, col]
logger.info(f"The identifier is very close to '{most_similar}' at column '{(SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP[df.columns[col]]).upper()}'")
# found_info = "\n".join([f"{SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP[col]} : {df.reset_index().loc[row, col]}" for col in df.reset_index(drop=True).columns])
# logger.info(f"""Selected meeting/session is:\n{found_info}""")
return {
"isFound": 1,
"how" : "jaro",
"value": most_similar,
"similarity": jaro_score,
"row": row,
"column": df.columns[col]
poss_args = argmax_n(jaro_df.values, 3, axis=1)
possible_df = df.iloc[poss_args]
err_text = f"\nThe searched query '{target}' not found in the table. Did you mean one of these :\n\n"
for idx, prow in possible_df.iterrows():
for col in possible_df.columns:
err_text += f"\t{SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP[col]} : {prow[col]}\n"
# err_text += f"\t> Suggested search queries : {identifer_text_format(prow.meeting_name) + identifer_text_format(prow.meeting_circuit_shortname)}\n\n"
err_text += f"\t> Suggested search queries : {[identifer_text_format(prow[col])for col in possible_df.columns if not col in EXCLUDED_COLUMNS_FOR_SEARCH_SUGGESTION]}\n\n"
raise LiveF1Error(err_text)
return {
"isFound": 0,
"how": None,
"value": None,
"similarity": None,
"row": None,
"column": None
def print_found_model(df, key, cols):
found_meeting_info = df.loc[[key], cols].drop_duplicates().iloc[0]
found_info = "\n".join([f"\t{SESSIONS_COLUMN_MAP[col]} : {found_meeting_info[col]}" for col in cols])
logger.info(f"""Selected meeting/session is:\n{found_info}""")
def to_datetime(var):
if isinstance(var, pd.Series):
return pd.to_datetime(var.values).tz_localize(None).round("ms")
elif isinstance(var, np.ndarray):
return pd.to_datetime(var).tz_localize(None).round("ms")